Prayers for Lent
I love you, Jesus my love, above all things.
I repent with my whole heart of having offended you. Never permit me to separate myself from you again. Grant that I may love you always and then do with me what you will.
O God, you showed us in the passion of your Son the way to eternal glory by the Way of the Cross.
Grant that we may follow him now, by our prayers, to share his triumph with Him for all eternity.
A Prayer for Lent
Help me, Lord, to live my faith. In the ordinary events of daily life make me merciful, poor in spirit and pure of heart. Teach me to hunger and thirst after justice, to be a channel of your peace and in times of mourning or sorrow to count on your comfort. O God, you showed us in the passion of your Son the way to eternal glory by the Way of the Cross. Grant that we may follow Him now, by our prayers, to share his triumph with Him for all eternity.