Our School

St Peter's Catholic Primary School is a single-form entry primary school in Warrington. 


Our priority is that every single one of our pupils is safe, happy and successful while in school, and that they develop the essential life skills to ensure they fulfil their potential. We create opportunities for the children to develop independence, confidence and collaboration, recognising that everyone has their own talents which we work together to develop. All this is done within the Catholic community of St. Peter's. The children begin their relationship with God as soon as they join us and it develops visibly as they progress through the school. We value the role parents and educators play in ensuring the very best experience for all children.

Award Season

St. Peter's has been awarded the live Simply award run by CAFOD! The school is very proud to live simply sustainably and in solidarity with the poor. The school community has been working diligently on 9 actions in order to achieve the award, but their work won't stop there.


Congratulations to everyone involved in the work to achieve the award.

A wonderful gesture

A pupil and his family at St Peter's CPS recently visited Rome. Whilst they were there, they purchased a statue of St. Peter and managed to have it blest by Pope Francis. Upon their return to the UK, they have donated the statue to our school.


The school is incredibly grateful for this wonderful gesture and the statue will be cherished for a long time.

Mission 2024

Thursday 27th June 2024 is St. Peters Mission Day and, as part of thistle school is reviewing its Mission statement and Aims. To this end, the school would like as many of its St. Peter's family, including parishioners,  to complete a Mission statement review to help in setting the direction and aims of the school. The survey can be found at: 




Please help the school and the governors by completing the review and sharing your thoughts.


Many thanks in advance.


The Mission statement and its aims can be found on the school website by following the following link:






School Mass

Friday morning Mass (20th October 2023) was celebrated with children from Reception, Yr2, Yr4 and Yr5 in attendance. As it was last month, the children behaved impeccably, sang beautifully and answered Fr. Mark's questions perfectly. All in all, a credit to the school and the teaching staff, who were also in attendance.


They must be suitably praised as the weather was horrendous but they all took it in their stride and hopefully enjoyed the occasion as much as the parishioners that were in attendance.


We look forward to the next occasion. Listen below to a quick snippet.

Carol Service 2022


We received so many lovely comments on the children's singing after Fr. Gildea's funeral services, that it got us to thinking how important the link is between the school and the parish and that we should continue to hold events that involve and strengthen the links between the two. So, it is with great pleasure we announce the first of our events organised specifically to to do just that.


We can justifiably say that it was yet another event that Fr. Gildea was instrumental in helping to pull together. His influence continues even after his passing.


Please join us on Monday the 19th December at 6.p.m. when the children will provide us with readings, carols and lots of Christmas cheer. There will be a collection in aid of CAFOD, so please donate if you can.


Everyone is welcome, so get your diaries updated and we will see you there. 🎅🏻🧑‍🎄🧑🏽‍🎄🤶🏽🤶🏻👼⛄️😇

Update 2nd December 2022


St. Peters are pleased to announce that the Christmas Fayre brought in £2,962. This is a fantastic total and  we've been asked to convey a massive Thank You for all your support.



St. Peter's Christmas Fayre 2022 will take place in St. Peter's school on the afternoon of Sunday 27th November from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.


Not that we are trying to entice you .... but ... there will be Gaelic coffees, chips, refreshments, cakes, tombolas, lots of games and a visit from Santa. 


Everyone is very welcome. 


SSPAM will be there on our table and explaining the work we do and why it's so important that we need your help. 


Raffle tickets will be on sale after weekend masses right up until the Sunday of the Fayre itself.


Buy some, or we will send the boys round!!