Sunday Funday / Memorial Garden
It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce that the funds raised from the BBQ funday (see below) of £550 in support of the changes necessary to the Memorial Garden, have allowed us to fully pay back the parish for the funds required in making the necessary remediation. A short note from the Parish Council is seen below.
Memorial Garden Fund Raiser
The £550 raised at the above event has enabled us to clear the outstanding monies spent in carrying out the remedial works to the garden. Considering the inclement weather on the day this is a fantastic amount. A big thank you to everyone involved in setting up ,providing refreshments and clearing up after the event. Also to those who provided prizes for the draw, donations and all Parishioners who attended on the day.
Update 16th November 2022
After a couple of weeks of bad weather, our contractor was finally able to finish the renovations in the memorial garden. The paving stones that have been used are slight contrast to the patterned concrete but they create a lovely pattern in the middle of the garden and almost a cross-like pattern which has been finished off by a very nice planter set atop of the old tree root which will, over time, disintegrate away. The main thing is that, it is now in a much safer and usable state than it has been for a very long time. Coming up to winter, this is a good thing and we shouldn't be in any danger of falling over cracked or uneven surfaces.
Parish funds have paid the bill and parishioners have already made significant contributions towards the cost and they continue to come in, however there is still an amount be paid back and this will be looked at over the next 12 months to ensure the cost is covered. A huge thank you to those who have already contributed and thank you to those who continue to contribute.
The Garden has returned to being the quiet, peaceful tranquil place we envisaged and where we can reflect and remember our lost loved ones.
Please let us know if you have any questions or anything to share on the work that has been done. You can contact either a member of the parish council or send us an email to the parish email address shown in the right hand panel on this web page.
Update 22nd October 2022
A Contractor has been appointed carry out the remaining remedial work in the Memorial Garden. The excavated area will be flagged using a close colour match to the existing printed concrete. Work is expected to commence during week of 24th October and, weather permitting, completed by the end of the week. Weather didn't permit this week so watch this space!
Update 5th October
Agreement has been reached on the solution for replacing the walkway. The work will start as soon as possible and in the meantime, please consider the Memorial Garden 'out of bounds'. We will let you know when it's likely to be re-opened as soon as we know.
Thank you for your considerable help in both support and financial contributions so far..
Update 28th September
The central tree, and two others which were already causing issues both in and around the Memorial Garden have been removed along with the central section of the walkway. We are currently organising plans and costs for the renovation of the walkway, and the installation of a number of trees / bushes to replace those that we have unfortunately had to remove.
Watch this space.
Update 20th September
Work has already commenced on the renovation work in the Memorial Garden this week therefore, until further notice, please assume that the Memorial Garden is "Out of Service" until the remedial work is completed.
Thank you in advance.
Update 18th September
The Parish Council sub-group has made known the options for renovation of the Memorial Garden to the Parish Council and a vote has taken place as to which option would be the most effective as a long term solution for Health and Safety, and for on-going maintenance.
The chosen solution, supported by in excess of 80% of the parish council, unfortunately requires the removal of 2-3 trees from in and around the Garden to remove the risks currently being experienced and for the successful long term maintenance of the garden, its walkways and surrounds. Our committed intention, and in line with our Creation Time objectives will be to replace the trees with at least the same number of trees, or bushes, in and around the garden, and in places which will not impact the new walkway. Tree removal will be undertaken in the coming weeks and a plan for repairing the walkway implemented as soon as practicable.
Whilst reviewing the many issues found with the walkway etc. in the Memorial Garden, one of the streams of activity has been to look into possible ways of helping to finance the restoration works. As you know from Christine's open letter which has appeared on this website (bottom of this page) and in the weekly Newsletter, requests have been made and several commitments made, to help financially with this work. Now that solution decisions have been made, please see below Christine's message to everyone asking to put those commitments into practise. Christine writes:
Dear friends,
Thank you to those who have already contributed to the Memorial Garden restoration fund. Our Garden is a place of solace and peace for many, and with your help, it will be again soon.
If you wish to donate, please make any cheques out to "St.Peter and St Michael Church", or if you prefer to make a donation in cash, please put in an envelope marked 'Memorial Garden fund' and place in the collection plates in the porch. Alternatively, you can give directly to Christine Wilkinson, Jim Mc Graw or any of the Parish Council members.
We thank you in advance for your help and will ensure that the Garden gets back to a safe and tranquil space of reflection as soon as practically possible.
Thank you.
Update 14th September
Options have been reviewed and there is currently an overwhelming majority in favour of one specific option which requires us to remove one or two of the trees in the Memorial Garden for the benefit of both cleanliness and Health and Safety. this will now be put into operation and over the coming weeks we shall see planned events taking place as we remove the offending trees, remove the dangerous walkway, replace the walkway with a new flat and safe walkway, and we re-plant trees to replace those which we have unfortunately had to remove due to the hazard in the Garden. Watch this space for further updates as we return the Garden to a safe, peaceful and reflective place to be.
Update 10th September 2022
A document detailing issues and options for repair has been completed and the options are being reviewed to ensure we come up with a consensus and a solution that will last into the future. Plans will be shared once agreement has been made.
Over the last few months, the Parish Council has been receiving communication about the state of the Memorial Garden and its decline. The Parish Council has taken the issues and is running a subgroup which is looking at:
The issues have been documented and are summarised in terms of Cleanliness, and Health and Safety, as there is a worsening trip hazard across most of the patterned concrete walkway.
We are currently working with outside help to determine the cost of the options for refurbishment that have been identified. In parallel, the Council has asked Christine Wilkinson to look at options for financing, and hence the letter in the Newsletter this week. Christine's letter is reproduced here for completeness.
Dear Friends,
If you have visited our Memorial Garden over the past 15 years or so you will know what a peaceful, tranquil, quiet space it is. A place to sit, reflect and remember our loved ones. Lately it has fallen into a very poor state. The paving is cracked around the central tree. We have been visited by unwanted pigeons who foul the area, which takes a lot of time and effort to remove with a power washer. We have a small group of dedicated parishioners who do their best to tend the roses and maintain the area. It has come to a stage where we need to do repairs and bring it back to its former beauty. The parish council is working through options in order to provide the necessary fix to the two main issues of cleanliness and health and safety. I am appealing to you all to see if you can help raise the funds required. I have already been approached by a few parishioners who have loved ones interred in the garden who would be glad to contribute. If you are willing to help, please see me after Mass on a Saturday evening or e-mail me at:
or telephone me on:
07484 379604.
I have been asked to represent you all in this endeavour and I am passionate about caring for and maintaining this beautiful place.
Thank you.
Christine Wilkinson
As you can see from some of the pictures below, there is a need to do something to rectify the current situation so that we are more easily able to maintain the space and more importantly, remove the trip hazard due to the broken patterned concrete being pushed up by the tree roots. The parish Council will review all potential options at its September meeting.
If you think you can help in any way, please contact Christine either by phone or email, both identified in her letter above, and let her know how you can help or if you have any ideas at all to help bring the Memorial Garden back to the safe, peaceful haven it was always meant to be.
Many thanks.