Parish 100 Club

Parish 100 Club Update 30th January 2023


We are happy to announce a couple of measures to help with the management of the Parish 100 Club and to help you make your subscriptions on time. these are:


  • The return of the Green Card 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼
  • Standing Orders


Green Card

We are sure a number of you will remember during our lottery days, the Green Card. We are re-introducing the "Green Card" in order to make the collection of subs a little easier for us to manage and also for you to be able to make your monthly subscriptions. The cards can be found in the church porch. Please fill in the card with your details and simply drop it into the 100 Club box along with your payment.


Standing Order

At long last, we can now also accept payment via standing order. The details to be able to do this are:


Lloyds Bank

Sort code 30-99-50

Acct No 31110460

Acct name St Peters Lottery


For standing orders, to ensure the funds are in the account by the relevant date each month, could you please ensure that your transfer is made by the 4th of the month and in the REF box put the 1st 5 letters of your surname followed by your draw number(s), i.e. SMITH 22 47 90


Please let us know if you have any issues with these methods either directly or via the parish email address.

SS Peter and Michael Parish 100 Club


The Parish 100 Club started on 15th May 2022, the draw takes place monthly, after 11:00 am Mass on the second Sunday of the month.


If you wish to participate, numbers can be selected after any weekend Mass. Just ask at the back of church and you will be directed to someone who will be able to help. You can also enquire by using the parish email alongside. ==>


The cost of entry is £3 per month for each number taken. You can pay monthly, quarterly or Annually, by  either Cash or  Cheque. Your numbers MUST be paid for by the 1st Weekend of the Month in order to be included in the draw for that month. You can also pay by putting your details and money in an envelope and posting it at the presbytery by 6pm on the Wednesday prior to the draw being made. The option to pay via Standing Order will be introduced  later. Please ensure you provide a telephone number so we can remind you if you've not paid, or even better we can call you to let you know you've won!


The draw number(s) you choose  will remain as your number(s) until you decide to change them. You can change or cancel your number(s) at any weekend Mass also, and this change will be effective for the following draw.


You have to be in it to win it, and to be in it you have to pay up!


Good luck!


Parish 100 Club Draw rules


  1. The objective of the prize draw is to generate funds to assist in the operation and development of SS Peter and Michael's parish.
  2. The draw will operate on a monthly basis with the draw being made on the second Sunday of the month, after morning mass. The winning number will be drawn using a random number generator app on a computer tablet.
  3. Subscribers to the draw may choose any unallocated number from the list maintained by the organisers and will retain that particular number until they request a change. If a subscriber fails to pay for an allocated number for a period of three consecutive months then that number will be made available for reallocation.  There will be no limit to the number available to any one individual (up to 100 of course) and this will reflect the interest in the draw in any given month.
  4. The monthly prize fund will be 50% of the total subscriptions received for that month, after the deduction of costs. The remainder will go to parish funds.
  5. The cost of an individual number will be £3.00 per month.  Payment can be made in one of the following ways:-
  • Via monthly, quarterly or annual standing order by the 4th of the month. (to be advised)
  • Via quarterly or annual cheque (Made out to St Peters Lottery)
  • Via cash at Saturday or Sunday mass in church during the weekend prior to the draw.
  • Via cash in an envelope to the presbytery by 6.00pm on the Wednesday prior to the draw.
  1. In all cases subscribers should please include the first five letters of their surname together with the numbers they are paying for.
  2. Late payments will be deemed invalid.
  3. All winners will be notified.

Archdiocese of Liverpool.  A registered Charity No 1199714.
Promoter:  SS Peter and Michael,  St Peter’s Presbytery,  Weir Lane, Woolston,  WA1 4QQ.
The Promoter and the Management Committee reserve the right to alter and amend the rules after consultation

Parish 100 Club Winners

Draw Date Subs Date Amount Number
15th May 2022 8th May 2022 £120  18
12th Jun 2022 5th Jun 2022 £120  4
10th Jul 2022 3rd Jul 2022 £125   3
14th Aug 2022 7th Aug 2022 £115  29 
11th Sep 2022 4th Sept 2022  £125  93
9th Oct 2022 2nd Oct 2022  £130 57 
13th Nov 2022 6th Nov 2022  £146  6
11th Dec 2022 4th Dec 2022 £135 


15th Jan 2023 8th Jan 2023  £125


12th Feb 2023 5th Feb 2023 £125  58 
12th Mar 2023 5th Mar 2023 £125   77
9th Apr 2023 2nd April 2023  £132  76
14th May 2023 7th May 2023 £117   57
11th Jun 2023 4th Jun 2023  £120  5
9th Jul 2023 2nd Jul 2023  £125  39
13th Aug 2023 6th Aug 2023 £115   40
10th Sep 2023 3rd Sep 2023  £105  49
8th Oct 2023 1st Oct 2023  £125  39
12th Nov 2023 5th Nov 2023 £120  86
10th Dec 2023 3rd Dec 2023





14th January 7th December


19th May 2024 12th May 2024 £105 52
9th Jun 2024 2nd Jun 2024 £95 8
14th Jul 2024 7th Jul 2024  £95