Synod Information

Reflections on Synod during COVID-19 (Part II)

Wednesday the 22nd of July

We have released a new video reflecting on the experience of living through the COVID-19 pandemic and what our Synod can learn from this. Please watch the reflection and submit your reflections and ideas. 

Check out the proposals for SYNOD 2020! Read them all by clicking on the link below!


Synod 2020 in the Archdiocese of Liverpool

It is a long-established practice in the Church to use the term ‘Synod’ for decisive meetings at significant times where members of the Church come together to review one or more issues and make decisions.


Over fifty years after the Second Vatican Council and in view both of the multiple challenges facing us as well as the opportunities that contemporary cultural changes afford us, we are at a significant moment in the history of our Archdiocese.


There is clear duty on us to discern carefully together what the Spirit is saying to the Church in the Archdiocese of Liverpool and agree on common goals and actions for the coming years.



Malcolm McMahon OP, Archbishop of Liverpool


This is the website where more information can be found about the Synod: 


16th February = 15th March

The fourth Synod 2020 theme,

Building Community, Nurturing Belonging, 


 Synod members will be working locally to create opportunities for parishioners to engage with the theme and to reflect on how it can challenge and inspire us.


We can then generate proposals to help us to become the Church that God is calling us to be.


On a personal basis, we all know someone who no longer comes to Mass. Each person has their own reasons for absence and our Parish Council would welcome ideas on how we can bring them back to become churchgoers once again.


A post-box for any suggestions will be placed in the porch and if we can succeed in this initiative then we will be able to fully embrace the Synod 2020 theme of evangelisation in our parish community

19 January 2020 - 16 February 2020 


How we pray together


In this Synod Theme we reflect on how we are sent out into the world to proclaim the Good News to the whole of creation.


In becoming the Church that God is calling us to be:


  • How do we more effectively evangelise and lead people to a deeper relationship with Jesus?
  • How do we show the compassionate love of Jesus in our work for justice, peace and integrity , in our acts of charity and our works of mercy?
  • How can the parish rise to the challenge of sharing the mission of Jesus?
  • How can we equip people to be the presence of Jesus at work , at home, in the street? 

Our Synod Questions

Sunday the 3rd of February 

The four Synod Questions that will inform and inspire our project of listening over the coming months have been published today, Friday 1 February 2019. They are:

  1. Where in your everyday life do you experience love, truth, goodness, hope, and joy?
  2. When you reflect on your life now, and as you look to the future, what causes you concern or worry?
  3. What is the purpose of the Catholic Church in the world today?
  4. Having reflected on these things, what are the topics you would like to see on the agenda of Synod 2020?

These questions begin from the truth that God speaks to us in our everyday lives and, as we reflect on our lives, we encounter Christ (c.f. Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium 8). We are then invited to think about what the Catholic Church is for. This will allow the Spirit of God to open our hearts so that, finally, we can reflect on the questions, issues, and topics that our Synod should make recommendations on.

We are all invited to reflect deeply and respond to these four Synod Questions. Listening will be done through our online survey, focus groups facilitated by Fr Peter McGrail at Liverpool Hope University, and by Synod Members in our local communities. It is through this great project of listening that we will begin to discern the Church God is calling us to be.