Church Envelopes
As is usual, we have available boxes of envelopes for distribution, which you can use for your personal donation to the upkeep of church operations. We thank you very much for your donation, however, we are sure that you recognise the issues with handling envelopes and cash during the pandemic and we thank you for your patience as we have tried to remain flexible in how we collect your donations. We will continue to provide the necessary means to continue providing the envelopes for those who are uncomfortable or unable to use alternative online methods to donate. If you do miss the opportunity to deliver your envelope as you arrive for mass, then please consider posting the envelopes through the presbytery letter box on a weekly or monthly basis.
If you are able, then we would suggest that you also consider giving by standing order and the details for doing so are shown below. It would be helpful to sign up rather than giving cash during this unprecedented time.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Standing Orders
Like most organisations, SS Peter and Michael needs an income in order to operate on a week to week basis. The steady flow of funds provided through the Standing Order system has brought some money into the parish each month. Thank you to those currently donating through Standing Orders.
Maybe, in the light of what has happened, over the last few years, you now wish to consider/reconsider taking out a Standing Order, which will make things a lot easier for yourself, along with moving more of our collections on to a cashless system. I’m sure many of you will have experienced over the last few months more and more shops requiring payment by card to avoid the dangers of transmission through the handling of cash.
A Standing Order arrangement is also helpful to those of you who can’t get to Mass every week, or find Mass times at other churches more convenient, or miss two or three weeks when going on holiday, or have to miss Mass for a variety of other reasons.
If you wish to go down the Standing Order route, all you need to do is complete a Standing Order Authority. These can be downloaded here or the details to set up a standing order with your own online banking can be found below, alternatively paper forms can be obtained from myself. You can arrange for your donation to be monthly, quarterly or yearly, but not weekly.
Once completed, please take the form to your Bank, and ensure that the parish has a copy for our records. Alternatively, if you do your banking online, then you will still need a copy of the form for the relevant details. Please, again, ensure we receive a copy of your Standing Order details. Unfortunately, the Standing Order system only applies to first collections. You will still need a set of envelopes for any second collections.
Gift Aid
Finally, as more and more of us are starting to pay tax because our personal allowances have been frozen, it presents us with the opportunity of least clawing some of that tax back, and giving it to charity.
How does it work? For example, if you donate £1 to Ss. Peter & Michael's, then, under Gift Aid, as long as you are a tax payer, a further 25p is also given to Ss. P&M. But, it doesn’t come out of your pocket, the tax man has to take it out of the tax you have already paid him. So, Ss. P&M receives £1.25p, but only £1 has come from you and 25p, very generously, has come from the tax man. Please ensure you are paying enough tax to cover the gift aid portion of your donation.
Currently, Ss. P&M receives around £7k a year under this arrangement and it would be nice if we could increase this significantly, at no expense to our parishioners. Once completed, hand the form back to Tony, and he will forward it to the Archdiocese. You don't have to do anything further (other than put your hand in your pocket!!).
If you pay tax, then please seriously consider doing this. It is free money for the parish without costing you any more money. Gift Aid forms can be obtained from Tony.
Thank you for your support.
Tony Wright
Treasurer SSPAM
SSPAM Account Details to set up a standing order
St Peter and St Michael (008) Parish
Account Number: 01546295
Sort Code: 40-29-12
Branch: HSBC Bank plc,
4 Dale Street
Liverpool L69 2BZ
Charity Number: 232709