Join us in the Garden for Tea, Coffee, Hot Cross Buns, Cakes, Juice, everything!
It's almost...normal...
Family Fast Day is on Friday 11 March. Join in Family Fast Day with your parish, friends and family so that more children can grow up big and strong.
By eating simply and giving what you save, you'll be making a place at your table for children like Lombeh this Lent. Because no child should go hungry.
Lombeh’s mum, Amie, told us: “The sickness was just getting worse and we were scared.”
Thankfully, Amie and a small team of local health experts made sure Lombeh got the support she needed. Now, she’s big and strong.
Around the world, there are 200 million more children like Lombeh whose lives are at risk from malnutrition.
Your parish can help reach more families facing poverty and hunger this Lent. By supporting new mothers like Amie with expert advice and training from health clinics, such as the one run by Sr Anthonia, children like Lombeh can grow up big, strong, happy and healthy.
Please support your parish to hold a collection and share Lombeh's story at the end of Mass by reading our short talk. You could ask a young parishioner to help you.
We would also like to invite you to Walk Against Hunger this Lent. Put your best foot forward and set up a fundraising page on JustGiving. Either organise a community walk on one day in Lent (we suggest March 26) or walk for 40 days and give hunger it's marching orders.
Thank you for your gift of £170.00.
At CAFOD, we are committed to working wherever the need is greatest and pray for God’s guidance as we support those who are worst affected by the climate crisis. Through your generous gift, we are helping those dedicating their lives to protect our common home.
This Harvest, we shared Ivanilde’s story. Local experts from our church network have helped Ivanilde's community win the rights to stay and protect the piece of Amazon they call home. They have replanted and the rainforest has restored. She says: ‘I hope that we can have more love and more care for nature.’
Ivanilde’s commitment to our common home is a beacon of hope for us all. Through your gifts, solidarity and prayer, our hope for our world burns brighter. As the climate crisis makes life harder for the most vulnerable people all around the world, we pray that our brothers and sisters can adapt, survive, and thrive..
Thank you again for sharing what you have with those in need.
Yours sincerely,
Michelle Oakford
Head of Supporter Relations
This Family Fast Day, on Friday 1 October, you can support people around the world who are dedicating their lives to protecting God’s creation. People like Ivanilde who are on the frontline of the climate crisis.
Pope Francis says we are a single family living in a common home. I want to talk to you about the climate crisis. This is a crisis that will affect each and every one of us. A crisis that is damaging our world. Our common home. God’s creation. The Coronavirus pandemic is pushing millions of people around the world into poverty and deepened inequality. The poorest and most vulnerable people in the world are also the ones
who are being hit hardest by climate change. Harvests are failing. Cities are flooding. Entire communities are finding it harder and harder to survive in the place they call home. But, in the face of this, all around the world, ordinary people like you and me are giving their all to protect our planet. Our common home. God’s creation. I’d like to tell you about one of these guardians of creation. Ivanilde is a mother, a grandmother and a farmer. And, for the last 19 years, she’s been on the frontline of the struggle to protect our common home. She lives in a small patch of rainforest in one of the most heavily deforested regions of the Brazilian Amazon.
Pope Francis has said that the health of our planet depends on the health of the Amazon – yet every year thousands of acres are deliberately burned so the land can be cleared for cattle ranching, or simply to be turned over to make a quick profit. More than once, Ivanilde’s home has been ravaged by fires started on land owned by wealthy cattle ranchers. She’s felt the heat on her face and the
sting of the smoke in her eyes as the flames destroyed her trees and crops. Trees she’s planted herself and spent so long caring for – the trees whose fruits her family rely on to survive. She’s faced obstacles that could shake the spirits of the very bravest – but she has never given up. With the help of local experts from our church network, she’s replanted and restored her land.
Thanks to donations like yours, expert human rights lawyers were able to stand alongside Ivanilde and her community through years of legal battles, to help them win their rights to stay, and protect the fragile piece of the Amazon they call home. Ivanilde is not alone. All over the world, people are doing their bit to fight the worst effects of climate change.
In Ethiopia, water experts are helping to build solar-powered pumps to help communities struggling with drought. In Bangladesh, local climate experts are helping people protect their homes and livelihoods from ever more devastating cyclones.
If you choose to give, you’ll be helping the people who have done the least to cause the climate crisis but are being hit the hardest by its devastating effects. And you will be supporting people like Ivanilde, who are dedicating their lives to protecting our common home.
Join us online to hear what COP26 is and why it’s so important. We’ll learn more about Pope Francis’ call to action and hear how people in the Amazon region are leading the fight to protect our common home.
The countdown is on! In a matter of weeks, the UK will host the largest gathering of world leaders ever to take place on British soil: the ‘COP26’ climate talks. Our government has a vital role to play in leading global efforts to tackle the climate crisis.
As Pope Francis has pointed out, the pandemic has reminded us that “we are a global community, all in the same boat, where one person’s problems are the problems of all”.
Wealthy nations, who bear the greatest responsibility for the crisis, need to urgently cut their emissions and stand in solidarity with those countries that have done the least to damage our common home. But we know that the Government will only act if enough people, up and down the country, raise their voices for the values of solidarity and justice
Friday 9 October, 11am
Listen to our live talk about the latest on our coronavirus response.
Join the
Global Family Food event
Saturday 10 October, 10am
Have fun, eat some delicious food and raise funds to transform the lives of people in poverty.
Saturday 10 October, 7pm
Have fun, get competitive and raise funds to transform the lives of people in poverty.
This Harvest, we are launching a series of online events around Family Fast Day from 8-11 October so that we can come together and bring hope and help to those who are most in need.
This is a Harvest like no other as many families face chronic food shortages, malnutrition and poverty as the result of coronavirus.
This Harvest, CAFOD has something for everyone. Join us with your school, parish, friends and family.
As well as the events below that you can already register for, we will also be holding another national assembly for schools on 8 October and a live Mass on 9 October. Details on how to register for those events will be available soon.
Posting by Alain D
CAFOD's PRAYER FOR IRAQ posted recently due to the desperate situation of Christians there. I am enclosing the weblink
which will open a WORD document that hopefully, you can transfer for all to read snd pray with.
(Click text above to open link)
Posting by Alain
In solidarity with the people of Eccles and Christian churches across Greater Manchester, let us remember Alan Henning R.I.P., his family and close friends in our prayers this week
Name: Alain D
Message: This afternoon, a beautiful bunch of yellow rose buds with the laminated card below, was laid on our behalf in Eccles in front of the cross surrounded by hundreds of individual
flower tributes and yellow ribbons for Alan Henning.