St. Peter and St. Michael Parish Council

Our Parish Council (SSPAM), created and instigated by Fr. John Gildea, is made up of a number of volunteers who take on responsibilities to help in the running of the parish. Fr. Mark is also a member f the parish council and attended his first meeting in mid-April 2023. We hold regular meetings (monthly and an annual general meeting (AGM)) bringing together the many streams and activities that we, as a parish, focus on to help the parish run as smoothly as possible. We ensure that there is a focus on:


  • Finances
  • Security
  • Routine operation and maintenance
  • Interface with our school
  • Interface with the Deanery and the Archdiocese
  • Maintenance of parish and archdiocese email traffic
  • Website
  • Newsletters
  • Garden and Memorial Garden maintenance
  • Sacramental programmes (First Holy Communion, Confirmation)
  • Special Occasion set-up and takedown (Red Wednesday, Christmas, Easter)
  • and many more ...


There is always a need for additional people to help with the workload and if you feel that you can contribute, no matter how big or small, in some activity or other, then please feel free to attend the monthly Parish Council meeting or drop us a line at the parish email address. We will be happy to see you.


We thank you for your support as we endeavour to bring additional information and facilities and improve the day-to-day running of our parish.