
Changes to Stewarding.


With effect from 1st July 2023 we will be changing the Stewarding role to a simpler Welcoming role. There will no longer be a need to gel your hands (unless you wish too). The Newsletter, mass book and hymnal will still be distributed ... along with a smile 😁




1. There will be 1 steward in the porch to ‘Meet and Greet’ and sanitise hands (if required) before mass.


2. Stewards will no longer guide people out for Holy Communion. We ask that the congregation ‘self regulate’ the movement from the benches to the altar, come out in an orderly fashion a bench at a time, starting at the front and not the back as we have been doing, and avoid standing queues in the aisles.


3. Stewards will no longer guide people out at the end of mass. Again, we ask that the congregation ‘self regulate’ the movement from the benches out of the church, a bench at a time, starting from the back. We ask that you avoid congestion when going through the glass doors leading out into the porch area. We also ask that you do not gather in the porch, but make your way out through the porch to the outside of church. This will allow for a steady flow of people out of the church and avoid ‘grouping’ which slows things down.


We appreciate your co-operation.


Deacon Jim.    

St. Peter and St. Michael Welcome Rota 6th Apr 2024 to 30th June 2024


Thanks for continuing to be a welcoming face here at St Peter and Michael's.  It's nice for people to see a friendly face and to be welcomed as they arrive for mass.  It makes their day.


Please Count the number of people in church and enter into the book in the porch.


If you are unable to do the dates allocated  to you, please arrange a swap with another of the stewards


 St. Peter and St. Michael Reading Rota 2024


Saturday 18.30 Mass

Sunday 11.00 Mass






4th-5th Jan

Gina Allison

Ged Totton

Dominic Vernon

Selena McGraw

11th-12th Jan 

Peter Donnelly

John Melia

Mike Frost

Jenny Bostock

18th-19th Jan

John Glynn

Ged Totton

Val McCowen

Lynne O Reilly

25th-26th Jan

Ged Totton


Selena McGraw

Dominic Vernon

1st-2nd Feb

John Melia

John Glynn

Jenny Bostock

Val McCowen

8th-9th Feb

Gina Allison

Ged Totton

Lynne O Reilly

Mike Frost

15h-16th Feb

John Glynn

John Melia

Mike Frost

Selena McGraw

22nd-23rd Feb


Gina Allison

Val McCowen

Jenny Bostock

1st-2nd Mar

John Melia

John Glynn

Dominic Vernon

Lynne O Reilly

8th-9th Mar

Ged Totton

Peter Donnelly

Selena McGraw

Mike Frost

15th-16th Mar

Gina Allison

Ged Totton

Jenny Bostock

Val McCowen

22nd-23rd Mar

John Glynn

Gina Allison

Lynne O Reilly

Dominic Vernon

29th-30th Mar


John Melia

Val McCowen

Selena McGraw

5th-6th Apr

Ged Totton

John Glynn

Mike Frost

Jenny Bostock

12th – 13th Apr

Gina Allison

John Melia

Dominic Vernon

Lynne O Reilly

19th – 20th Apr

John Glynn

Peter Donnelly

Selena McGraw

Val McCowen

26th – 27th Apr

Ged Totton

Gina Allison

Jenny Bostock

Mike Frost

3rd-4th May

John Melia

John Glynn

Lynne O Reilly

Dominic Vernon

10th-11th  May

Peter Donnelly

Ged Totton

Val McCowen

Selena McGraw

17th-18th May

Gina Allison

John Melia

Mike Frost

Jenny Bostock

24th-25th May

John Glynn

Peter Donnelly

Dominic Vernon

Lynne O Reilly

31stMay-1st Jun

Ged Totton

Gina Allison

Selena McGraw

Val McCowen

7th-8th Jun

John Melia

John Glynn

Jenny Bostock

Mike Frost

14th – 15th Jun

Peter Donnelly

Ged Totton

Lynne O Reilly

Dominic Vernon

21st – 22nd Jun

Gina Allison

John Melia

Val McCowen

Selena McGraw

28th – 29th Jun

John Glynn

Peter Donnelly

Mike Frost

Jenny Bostock


John Wenmoth has come off the Sunday rota and Lynne O Reilly has kindly volunteered to take over those reading spots.


If there are any issues with attendance, readers will kindly refer to the details provided by email in order to exchange responsibilities with another reader.


If you would like to be considered for reading duties, please contact us at our parish email address.

Tea and Toast and Cakes

St. Peter and St. Michael T&T&C Volunteer Rota

The rota for Tea and Toast and Cakes on the Lawn is shown below.


If you are unavailable for any date, can you let your team leader know, and if we need additional help we can organise that.


  • There are four teams on the rota - with the team leader being the first named person in each group
  • Tea, coffee, sugar and squash are available in the box in the garage - please let us know when anything needs replacing
  • Teams need to provide milk each week (usually four pints) and bake cakes between you.  


If you need any support with cake baking please let us know the week before as we do  have bakers who are willing to supply cakes when needed.


If there are any issues or anything needs replacing, please let either Margaret Harrison or Selena McGraw know. 


Let's hope for some sunny weather.





19th  January


Team 1 – Carol Emerson, Carole Beetham, Janet Worley,  Freda Wright

26th January

Team 2 – Jo Greene and family


2nd  February

Team 3 – Ingrid Walklett, Lynne and Steve O’Reilly,  Sheila Green


9th February

Team 4 – Jenny Bostock, Rachel and Emma Hampson, Sarah Donnelly


16th February

Team 5 – Joanne Ford and family


23rd February

Team 1 – Carol Emerson, Carole Beetham, Janet Worley,  Freda Wright


2nd March

Team 2 – Jo Greene and family


9th March

Team 3– Ingrid Walklett, Lynne and Steve O’Reilly, Sheila Green


16th March

Team 4 -Jenny Bostock, Rachel and Emma Hampson, Sarah Donnelly


23rd March


Team 5 – Joanne Ford and family


30th  March

Team 1 – Carol Emerson, Carole Beetham, Janet Worley, Freda Wright


6th April

Team 2 – Jo Greene and family


13th April

Team 3  – Ingrid Walklett, Lynne and Steve O’Reilly,  Sheila Green


20th April

Team 4 –Jenny Bostock, Rachel and Emma Hampson, Sarah Donnelly


27th April

Easter Sunday – no tea and toast


4th May

Team 5 – Joanne Ford and family



Each week you will need to bring:-

·        Milk (usually 4 pints)

       2 thick sliced loaves


       Jam (Optional)

       plus baked cakes when necessary.  

       (If you need any additional cakes baked please let Margaret Harrison know the week before)


There is tea, coffee, sugar and squash in the box in the garage. Also paper plates and paper bags.

If there is anything you think we need, please let Margaret Harrison or Selena McGraw know.