Latest Parish News

Upcoming events

Please keep an eye on our upcoming events in the right hand column 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉. This will serve as an aid memoire for things coming up over the next few weeks / months both in church and in St. Peters school.


Please feel free to email the parish email account if you have something of note which we can share.


Don't forget to keep up to date with Archdiocese events by checking our own Archdiocese page or the Archdiocese website itself.  (Link available on our Archdiocese page.)


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Lourdes 2025

Lourdes Youth Pilgrimage 2025 - July 23rd - August 1st 2025


Applications to join next year's "yellow t-shirts" are available online from Monday 7th October(

Young people from Warrington and Widnes parishes and schools, aged between 15 and 22 at the time of travel, are invited to travel with Coach 6. Deposit is £100, paid at the time of application. Email Dan Antonio, Coach Leader, for more information,

and follow the coach on Facebook, X (formally Twitter) - @lourdescoach6, and Instagram - coach6lourdes.


Please check out our main Lourdes pilgrimage page for up to date information.


Calling all crafters!

As mentioned in the Newsletter, our Mass books are to become obsolete shortly. Father Mark wanted to find some ways of repurposing them, rather than just being thrown away.


Apart from parishioners being able to take a collection of the six volumes home if they so wish (Please let us know if you would like a full set of the parish mass books), one of the ideas that came up was the idea of recycling them into useful objects for Christmas and other occasions by using page folding techniques as shown in the photos below. 


The inaugural session to learn how to make these new and unique gifts was held on Friday the 4th October in the Millennium Room. The session demonstrated the art of page folding and how to subsequently decorate for maximum impact.


Our Creative Crafters have already taken some books home to continue with their new skills. If you want to join, please just turn up. A lot of fun was had at the first session as can be seen from the photos below.


Some of the work is visible in the porch and is available to purchase. You better get in quick as Ingrid and the team already have a significant order book!


Please be careful and minimise handling of the crafts. A lot of time goes into each one and its more difficult to sell one that's been handled too much. There should be enough for all. Prices are on the sheet behind the display. All proceeds to parish funds.


The second session arrived on Friday October 18th and our Creative Crafters showed each other the progress that they had each made and the different ideas for decoration of the finished book foldings. There are going to be some fabulous items for sale to order and we are also planning to have the products available for our Winter Wonderland at the end of November. The proceeds from this stall will be donated to our parish funds to enable us to continue some of the great work being undertaken in maintenance of the church and it's grounds and also to start some new projects in the new year.


Please take a look at the display in the porch and get your orders in quick ... you don't want to be disappointed!!


Tik Tok

no not the ubiquitous app thats taken over our youth but the fact that this weekend, the clocks go back. Don't forget ... don't want you missing out on that extra hour of sleepy byes.....


World Mission - Racial Justice

Archbishop Malcolm has sent a video which is on our landing (home) page AND our Archdiocese page. please take a look at his message on the World Mission Sunday.


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Christmas has arrived!

It's true, a delivery of our seasonal cards, gifts and other trinkets has arrived and now sits resplendent front and centre of our Piety Stall in the porch. Please do take a look at what's on offer, we're sure you will be happy and desperate to spend your money ... and don't forget to take a look at the offerings from our Creative Crafters who are making some wonderfully inventive moments of the gospel from our now out of date mass books. A wonderful Christmas gift or even not just for Christmas.


Please take a look, there are some beautiful things to tempt your purse.


New Altar Missals

As you are aware, the New Lectionary (See information further down the page) means we need not only new mass books but also new altar missals. We are hoping our parish will be able to contribute to the cost of the new altar missals and to this end we would like to dedicate /engrave the altar missals to the memory of Fr. John Gildea. Anyone wishing to contribute in this way will find more information over the coming weeks of October / November to make their anonymous donations.


We thank you in advance for your consideration.


Cakes on the Lawn 2024

news just in that the summer run of cakes on the lawn has raised a whopping £775. As in previous years, we will be donating £500 to Mary's meals with the remainder going into parish funds to support other projects. Well done and thank you to all involved.


Car Parking

We have noticed an increase in the number of cars parking on Weir Lane during Mass times. At the same time, there are still a number of spaces available in the car park. Could we ask that you please take the time to check available space in the car park before parking on Weir Lane and before it becomes an issue with local residents. 


Many thanks for your help and consideration in this regard.


Pilgrimage to  Walsingham

Advance notice arrives of a pilgrimage to Walsingham slated for 26-29 of May 2025. More details as and when we get them, however if you are interested, there is a list in the porch at the back of church. 


Children's Liturgy

Several parishioners have asked about restarting the 'little church'. It was discussed at the recent SSPAM parish council meeting as we have been organising checks for safeguarding on those people who have volunteered to support this initiative. 


Our plan was to start on the 1st Sunday after the Easter celebration however safeguarding checks were required before we could restart. The checks are now sufficiently done / underway for us to be able to restart this important part of our community Mass and therefore it is our intention to restart the Children's Liturgy from Sunday the 3rd November 2024.


Please do share this with other parish families who have young children and let them know it will be restarting. It is important that we get our children back into the church and this will certainly help us to do so.


Bring ‘em Back!

We all know someone who no longer comes to Mass. Each person has their own reasons for absence and our Parish Council would welcome ideas on how we can bring them back to become churchgoers once again. 


If you do know of anyone who is missing from Mass, please do let us know so that we can endeavour to encourage them back. We know that the COVID pandemic has been partly responsible for the reduction in attendance and even if it just allows us to distribute Holy Communion to these people, then it will help us, and them, to get back to their faith.


Any suggestions may be dropped into the Newsletter box in the porch, directly to Fr. Mark, Deacon Jim or you can just drop a note to the parish email address.


Looking for a late catholic gap year?

Do you know anybody who is Catholic, aged around 18 to 22 and still not got anything lined up for the year ahead? Castlerigg Manor (the Diocese of Lancaster retreat centre, located in the Lake District) is still looking for young people to join their youth ministry in internship scheme. The scheme provides comprehensive training and experience as well as accommodation and food for the year, and a stipend each week. Anyone who is interested can check out the team,


or Email Jack Regan at:




Our Family of Parishes is working towards the three "Live Simply" principles. We will change to Fairtrade tea and coffee which guarantees producers a minimum price irrespective of market fluctuations.


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You will notice a number of new "Upcoming events" over the coming weeks in the lead up to Christmas both at church and at School including the firework spectacular on Nov 1st at St. Peter's school. As each one approaches we will give more information about dates / times etc, but please add them to your diary now.


Christmas Concert 2024

Mary’s Meals is delighted to be holding a Christmas concert in Manchester this November, with the proceeds going to our work feeding children at school in some of the world’s poorest communities. It would be wonderful if you are able to attend. Please check out the information on our Mary's Meals Charitable Giving page.


October 100 Club

The October draw was made after 11.00 Mass and before Soup on Sunday 13th October.


The winning number was number 25 who is the recipient of a nice £100 in crisp notes of the realm.


Many congratulations to our winner ... a begging letter will be in the post!


You have to be in it to win it.


Family of Parishes Event

 The Autumn Walk deferred from 6th October will now take place next Sunday 20 October at 2 pm. Starting at St Peter’s car park we will walk to the Ship Canal at Penny Ferry, Thelwall, and then join the Mersey Way as far as the M6 and return to St Peter’s, about two miles. Please wear suitable shoes as the going may be muddy in parts. Bring your own refreshments


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Free Electric Organ

If anyone would like this electric organ, please contact Kim Schofield at or call +447814451283. The organ is currently stored at St Pascal Baylon, and Kim can arrange a viewing if needed, or for it to be delivered to you.


School News

Pop over to our St. Peter's school page to see a couple of recent news items and news of an award from CAFOD.


There have been a few items of note on school achievements recently and we will be looking to celebrate in church, with parents and children. This celebration is slated for November 30 at the 18.30 Mass, so please attend if you can to join in the celebration for the school's achievements.

ALSO ....

Winter Wonderland 🥶☃️ 2024

We are once again running our Winter Wonderland extravaganza in conjunction with With Love, Steph in aid of the Toy appeal which acquires toys and gifts for those who otherwise would not get anything at Christmas. Our intention is to run it after the Mass of celebration for school achievements so it take place on Saturday 30th November 2024 and it will start after evening Mass. We were very successful last year and this year will be an extended version of what we enjoyed last year. The usual stalls for crafts, our piety stall, food, drink will be enhanced with much more, including the opportunity to buy quite inexpensive toy gifts for those on a tighter budget!


More details about the event will be published over the coming weeks but please pencil the date in your diary  for Saturday 30th November.


We would love to see everyone there.


Church donations

As we are sure you all remember, Tony Wright, member of our parish council, made a plea to our congregation so that, as far as is possible, we move towards planned giving in terms of standing orders for our donations to the church. It's easier and less time consuming to make our weekly offerings in this manner and reduces the amount of overhead required to manage large amounts of cash.


A good number of our congregation spoke to Tony and took away relevant forms for standing orders and for gift aid. To date, none of those forms have been returned so could we please ask that you return them as soon as possible. Gift Aid in particular generates a large sum  from HMRC to boost our parish funds. If you could help by moving to this method of giving, it would be greatly appreciated.


You can find more information on our Donation page to help with the details.


Many thanks in advance.


Risley Prison

Fr James Fasakin, a Spiritan priest who lives with Fr Raymond at Sacred Heart, Warrington, is chaplain to Risley Prison.  He does great work in the prison and is looking for some help, particularly a pianist/organist/keyboarder who could play for the 2.00 pm Sunday Mass in the prison.  Can you help or do you know someone who could?  If so, please let Fr Dave know on 01925 630127.


A New Lectionary for the church

We have crafted a summary of the booklet that has been produced to explain a description of the changes, why they are happening, how they will be implemented and what we will be using in future. Please take a look at our New Lectionary page to view this document.


The new lectionary was discussed at our recent SSPAM parish council meeting as it has an impact on our reading material for mass going forward and the decision was taken to continue with new versions of the Parish Mass book similar to what we are used to. The decision was made after looking at a number of different options from pre-printed sheets, printing our own weekly mass sheets, a combination of pre-printed and self-printed sheets, new individual missals and also a return to the Parish Mass Book.


The New Lectionary also means that the Missals for the altar also have to be replaced and we are considering donations / contributions to help pay for these books. The thought is that we could create a long lasting remembrance by including an "In Memory of ... " inscription on the parish altar missals. Please do let us know if you are able / willing to contribute and what you might like to see inscribed on the altar lectionaries. 


The new altar missals are on their way and should arrive sometime this week. (14-21st October)


News to Remember

  • If anyone wishes to be visited by a Eucharistic Minister to take Holy Communion please contact Fr Mark or Deacon Jim.  Alternatively, send a note to our parish email address shown in the information panel to the right.
  • Want rid of your old technology - read here to see what to do with it.
  • Warrington Fairtrade Borough Steering Group aims to provide schools with resources and information to help our children understand the global impacts in the way we trade. Please check out our Fairtrade page and read more about the great work they do with our schools and links to other material which shows how this programme helps to create extra income, power and support to those communities who are directly affected by unfair trading situations.

Please be vigilant - we have received a note from our gardener that someone has dumped bamboo and hedges behind the garage on the far side of the car park. He has cleared it away for us, but it's not part of his job. If you see anyone "fly-tipping" in our grounds, please let us know either directly to Deacon Jim, or via email to the parish address.