Latest Parish News

Shut that door!

During the winter months, as well as at times of inclement weather, we will be keeping the external porch doors closed during Mass, but we will keep the glass doors open.


Parishioners originally from Hong Kong

A notice for parishioners originally from Hong Kong, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai S.D.B. ( 韓大輝總主教) will be visiting Warrington on Saturday 1 February 2025. He will be celebrating mass in Cantonese at 2:30pm, after mass he will also give a talk about the Jubilee Year at approximately 3:30pm and there will be tea & coffee afterward.  This will take place at St Benedict’s Church, Rhode Street, Warrington WA2 7QE.  For further information, please contact the Warrington Hong Kong Catholics Co-ordination Group at


A New Archbishop

As you know, the process is underway for the appointment of a new Archbishop of Liverpool. You are invited to contribute to this process and have your voice heard at an extraordinary Archdiocesan Synodal Council meeting. These meetings are open to everyone in the archdiocese


“A Bishop’s task is to preside over a local Church as a visible principle of unity within it and a bond of communion with all the Churches.” (69)

“This is why the Assembly desires that the People of God have a greater voice in choosing Bishops.” (70)                                                                                           



The Vatican Synod clearly says that in the appointment of bishops the voice of synodal bodies must be heard. This is an exciting development in the life of the Church! There will be two meetings, held with the blessing of Archbishop Malcolm, on:


• Thursday 16th January 2025 at St Mary’s Leyland, PR25 1PD (7.00pm – 9.30pm) and 

• Saturday 18th Jan 2025 at St Margaret Clitherow Centre, L17 1AA (10.30am - 1.00pm) 


Each gathering will be the same – so only come to one of them. There will be two parts to the meeting: Firstly, we will begin by looking at where we are as a diocese and our future development and secondly we will consider the qualities needed in our future Archbishop. This is open to all members of our community here in the Archdiocese.


To reserve a place at one of the meetings please fill in the online form in the link below: 


If you are unable to take part in person, but would like to take part in the Saturday meeting by Zoom, please follow the link below on Saturday 18th January at 10.30am:


With best wishes, the Executive of the Archdiocesan Synodal Council. 


Joan Redmond RIP

Details of Joan Redmond's funeral have now been finalised.

Requiem Mass will be in church at 10:00 on Wednesday 5th Feb, followed by committal at Walton Lea Crematorium at 11:20.

Refreshments afterwards at Monks Social Club.


Found in church

A small white case containing a set of ear pods. They are currently held in the office in the office if the rightful owner wishes to claim them.


Tea and Toast

Why not join us for tea and toast after 11 am Mass on Sundays starting again this week in the Millennium Room? It is a way to meet and chat with fellow parishioners, and visitors are especially welcome. For our volunteers, the rota has already been circulated however the list can also be found on our volunteers page.



SSPAM Meeting

The minutes of the January SSPAM meeting are now available to read or download on our Parish Council page.


Reader Required

One person has had to come off the Sunday reading rota. At the moment, Selena McGraw's name has replaced it on the rota however, if anyone would like to take on some of those slots then it would be greatly appreciated.


Pray For Peace

New Year’s Day is also a world day of prayer for peace. It is said that peace begins with a smile. A smile is free to give and is usually freely returned. There are lots of smiles available, so if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours. You’ll still have plenty left. Start the peace process today – and keep smiling!


Offering Envelopes

We will shortly be ordering the boxes of envelopes for the next financial year commencing on 6th April 2025.


If you don't already have a numbered box of envelopes, and would like one, then please contact Deacon Jim or Tony Wright, or indeed send an email to the parish email address, including your name, address and postcode. You will be able to collect your box from church when they have been delivered and labelled.


You can find more information on our Donation page to help with the details.


Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation.


Christmas Raffle

News reaches us from Christine Wilkinson that our Christmas Raffle has raised £177. That is a great result and the proceeds will be split between parish funds and St. Rocco's hospice.


Thank you to everyone who participated and please check the prizes in the church porch to see if you have won. All of the prizes have names on them so should be easy to identify.


We hope you have been successful and again, thank you all for your support.


Memorial Garden Request

A neighbour, although not a member of our Church, has asked if some of her mother’s ashes may be scattered in our Memorial Garden. She was a daily dog walker who always admired and commented on our garden and her daughter has asked if maybe a plant or a small plaque of remembrance might be included in order that she and her family could come and talk to her mother. A donation would be offered. We are asked to give our views on this request, particularly as we seek closer ties with local residents.


Any comments would be welcome either directly to the parish council members or Fr Mark and Deacon Jim.


Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction

During Advent and the Festivities around Christmas and New Year, Exposition and Benediction have been suspended. They will return on Wednesday January 22nd at the normal time of 18.30.


There has been good attendance over the past few months and we are sure that the New Year will provide added incentive for more people to attend.


January 100 Club 

The January draw was made on Sunday 12th January after 11.00 Mass. The prize winner this month is No. 86 who wins  £100.


Congratulations to our winner!


You have to be in it to win it.


Sacrament of Confirmation

Registration Open - 13 Jan - 17 March

The registration website will open on the 13 January and end on the 17 March. Young people in year 8 and above can register at:


Calling all singists!

A few members of our congregation are pulling together in order to try to bring together a core of people who can expand the Singing Souls at our weekend masses. Some have sung before, some have not, but we would like to strengthen our singing as a parish.


If you are in any way at all interested in being a part of the Singing Souls, then please let us know and we will let you know when the next practise session is. Current proposal is for Thursday 16th January at 7.p.m


Don't think you're not good enough! As Fr. Mark said in his homily, God loves a trier and if one voice singing quietly becomes 10 voices singing quietly, we will have succeeded.


New Altar Missals

As you are aware, the New Lectionary (New Lectionary) means we need not only new mass books but also new altar missals. We are hoping our parish will be able to contribute to the cost of adding an inscription to the new altar missals dedicated to the memory of Fr. John Gildea. Anyone wishing to contribute can make their anonymous donations by using an envelope (marked Altar Books) with your donation and dropping it on the plate with your normal offerings or there will also be a box available for donations towards the cost of having the altar missals inscribed. Please feel free to ask Deacon Jim for further information.


We Need More Deacons

Archbishop Malcolm will host a Diaconate Information Evening on Thursday 23 January at St John’s in Wigan for men who may feel called to be a deacon. The evening will begin at 7.30 pm and will end by 9 pm. Refreshments will be available from 7 pm. Wives and supporting priests and deacons are also very welcome. For more information, please email Deacon Paul Rooney at:


Lourdes Pilgrimage 2025

We will again be taking part in the Liverpool Archdiocese Pilgrimage to Lourdes on 24-31 July 2025.If you would like to join us, please add your name and contact details to the list in the porch.There is no financial commitment until the New Year. Further details, including information on the Youth Pilgrimage will be made available on the parish website.



Our Family of Parishes is working towards the three "Live Simply" principles. We will change to Fairtrade tea and coffee which guarantees producers a minimum price irrespective of market fluctuations.


Pilgrimage to  Walsingham

Advance notice arrives of a pilgrimage to Walsingham slated for 26-29 of May 2025. More details as and when we get them, however if you are interested, there is a list in the porch at the back of church. 


News to Remember

Bring ‘em Back!

We all know someone who no longer comes to Mass. Each person has their own reasons for absence and our Parish Council would welcome ideas on how we can bring them back to become churchgoers once again. 


If you do know of anyone who is missing from Mass, please do let us know so that we can endeavour to encourage them back. We know that the COVID pandemic was partly responsible for the reduction in attendance and even if it just allows us to distribute Holy Communion to these people, then it will help us, and them, to get back to their faith.


Any suggestions may be dropped into the Newsletter box in the porch, directly to Fr. Mark, Deacon Jim or you can just drop a note to the parish email address.


  • If anyone wishes to be visited by a Eucharistic Minister to take Holy Communion please contact Fr Mark or Deacon Jim.  Alternatively, send a note to our parish email address shown in the information panel to the right.
  • Want rid of your old technology - read here to see what to do with it.
  • Warrington Fairtrade Borough Steering Group aims to provide schools with resources and information to help our children understand the global impacts in the way we trade. Please check out our Fairtrade page and read more about the great work they do with our schools and links to other material which shows how this programme helps to create extra income, power and support to those communities who are directly affected by unfair trading situations.

Please be vigilant - we have received a note from our gardener that someone has dumped bamboo and hedges behind the garage on the far side of the car park. He has cleared it away for us, but it's not part of his job. If you see anyone "fly-tipping" in our grounds, please let us know either directly to Deacon Jim, or via email to the parish address.