Our Deanery

The Archdiocese of Liverpool is made up of 141 parishes. Each parish is grouped with a number of other parishes. These groupings are called Deaneries. The parish of St Peter and St Michael is part of the Warrington and Widnes Deanery within the Liverpool Archdiocese.


Each Deanery is led by a Dean and in our Deanery, the Dean is Father Dave Heywood. Fr. Dave is parish priest at the parish of Blessed James Bell which amalgamated the parishes of St Benedict, St Oswald and St Mary into one and serves Warrington town centre, Orford and Padgate. 


Father Dave's newsletter from February this year, gives details of the deanery and how it is a result of the Pastoral Plan. You can see the entry in his newsletter here.


Fr. Dave also writes a regular blog which you can read here.

8th November 2022


As a lovely footnote to the explanation of the Deanery, we send many congratulations to Fr. Dave who was installed as a Canon on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at a Capitular Mass at 12.15  at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool.


Others who were installed as Canons at the Mass were:


Fr. Conor Stainton Polland

Fr. John Gormand &

Fr. Kevin McLoughlin


Please keep them all in your prayers.

Padgate & Woolston Walking Day 2024

Following the meeting on Wednesday 22nd May, Canon Dave wrote this:


"Thank you very much to those of you who were able to attend or sent representatives to last night’s meeting about Padgate & Woolston Walking Day.


There was clearly a strong desire to keep Walking Day but to do it safely.  Times have changed and some representatives shared genuine concerns about the safety of children from our schools. 


With just four weeks to go and with two of those weeks being half-term, we were unable to reach a consensus about being able to hold Walking Day safely.  Therefore, it was decided that we should not proceed with Padgate & Woolston Walking Day this year.  This decision was made reluctantly, but it was made out of the best interests of the children expected to take part.


I realise that many will be disappointed by this decision.  However, if people want to help to keep this tradition alive, they need to step up and volunteer to help when they are invited to do so.  As it is, increasingly too much is being left to too few volunteers.


Moving forward, it was decided that a Management Team would convene in September to plan next year’s Walking Day and to do everything possible to overcome the difficulties we have faced this year.  I will write to you about this after the summer holidays.

Once again, thank you for your generosity in giving your time and attention to this matter, for your honesty in sharing genuine concerns, and for your willingness to try and make Walking Day safe for all."


In addition, Canon Dave has penned the following statement to allow everyone to understand the rationale used in the decision made.

Usual Mass Times at other parishes across the Deanery.


Use gestures to swipe right for additional column reveal.

Parish  Church Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Ss Peter and Michael   11.00  09.30   19.30    09.30 18.30
Blessed James Bell                
  St. Benedict’s 10.30     11.00   11.00  
  St. Oswald's 8.30   11.00   11.00   16.30
St. Stephen & St. Bridget   10.45   9.00 10.00 9.00 18.00 17.30
St. Paul of the Cross   10.00   9.00 19.00 21.00 21.00 18.00
Sacred Heart and St. Alban                
  Sacred Heart 11.00         9.30 17.15
  St. Alban 9.30   9.30   9.30    
St. Joseph, Penketh   8.30 9.30   18.30   9.30  
Holy Family, Cronton   10.00 9.30 9.30 9.30 9.30 9.30 10.00
St. Wilfred                
  St. Bede 09.00 11.00           17.00
  St. John Fisher 10.00            
  St. Michael 10.00            


It is now over 9 years since the parishes of Widnes, after much consultation and discernment, became one parish with 4 churches. In that time people and priests have changed. We want to invite you to hear the story and ask questions.


  • Has it worked?
  • What can we learn?
  • Is this a model that should be copied?
  • What is it like to be a parishioner/priest/deacon in Widnes?
  • Can this model teach us anything about Families of Parishes?


Tuesday 27 February 2024 12:30pm – Priests and Deacons (if you would like to have lunch can you e mail m.moran@rcaol.org.uk)

Thursday 29 February 2024 7:30pm – Open to all. 


Venue for both events – St. John Fisher Hall, WA8 3JA


No need to book, just turn up!