
Lourdes 2025

2025 Dates

Dates for 2025 are, as usual, staggered for the Youth and Main Pilgrimages. Dates are:


Youth Pilgrimage 2025 - July 23rd - August 1st

Main Pilgrimage 2025 - July 24th - July 31st


The reason for the date difference is primarily because the youth travel by coach and leave the UK a day earlier to arrive in Lourdes on the same day as the main pilgrimage and although everyone leaves on the same day they arrive back in the UK later than the main group.


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Youth Pilgrimage

Applications to join next year's "yellow t-shirts" are available online from Monday 7th October(liverpoollourdesyouth.co.uk).

Young people from Warrington and Widnes parishes and schools, aged between 15 and 22 at the time of travel, are invited to travel with Coach 6.Deposit is £100, paid at the time of application. Email Dan Antonio, Coach Leader, for more information lourdescoach6@gmail.com,

and follow the coach on Facebook, X (formally Twitter) - @lourdescoach6, and Instagram - coach6lourdes.


Lourdes 2024

Lourdes 2024 – A Pilgrims Progress

On Friday, 19th July 2024 our group of "Merry Pilgrims" took a long journey to Lourdes.  We were met in Lourdes with a warm welcome from the staff at the Hotel Padoue.  We were quickly moved to the restaurant for lunch after which we were booked in, up to our rooms settled in, to ready ourselves for the Liverpool Diocese's Welcome Mass at the nearby Church of St. Frai.  As usual the church was full, the choir was very good and all the hymns were joyful and uplifting.

Saturday Morning - we went down to the grotto where candles were purchased for parishioners’ intentions. We crossed the river and proceeded to the area where candles are lit (across the river close to the grotto).

Saturday afternoon - the Liverpool Diocese's Pilgrims convened at St. Bernadette's Church, across the river from the Grotto.  The 9 coaches of Youths had arrived, after travelling overnight for nearly 24 hours, and it was so inspirational to see them and join in with their enthusiasm. 

What followed was the Mass of Anointing, moved from the end of the pilgrimage to the beginning. The reason being “why keep the sick waiting.” Of course everyone gets anointed. The Archbishop, Bishops and Priests took time to speak to and anoint all of us.  The look of wonderment on some people's faces as they were addressed by their individual names during the anointing was one memory to cherish.  Many of the Pilgrims had forgotten that their lanyards had their names boldly printed on them for the Priests to see and read out. 

Surprisingly the group photo of the Liverpool Archdiocese Pilgrims, including our Youth, was taken inside the church rather than outside (See below).

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Saturday Evening - after dinner we decided to retreat to the bar to recover, or so we thought. Chris H came with a party game ‘What am I’ Each person in turn was given a pair of cardboard glasses with a picture of an object on them. The person with the glasses had to ask the others questions, so they could find out what the object on the glasses was. It was good fun and the pilgrims from other dioceses must have thought we were nuts, but it broke the ice.

Sunday - was a very special day as our Archbishop Malcolm, 3 of his Bishops and other Priests celebrated mass at the Grotto.  It was such a wonderful privilege to be there and a memory to treasure forever.  It was very moving and a spiritual experience never to be forgotten. 


After Mass there was an opportunity to have a Ss Peter and Michael Church group photo taken. We were lucky that Gina managed to hijack a priest, not just any priest, but a Bishop, not just any Bishop, but Bishop Tom, ex St Oswald’s Parish. Photo taken (See smaller photo in the porch at the back of church) we all adjourned to the Café Royal for a well-earned coffee. (honest)

Sunday Evening - ‘Lourdes a Place to Prayer" - An evening of prayer and hymns, choir in good form. Service ended with each of us blessing ourselves with Lourdes Water. We adjourned to the bar, but had an early night ... 

Monday Morning - Chris H, Chris W and Ingrid went into Lourdes and Purchased ‘The Parish Candle’, which was subsequently beautifully decorated by Ingrid.

Monday Afternoon - was spent high up in the Pyrenees at a beautiful village called Gavarnie. Christine H was tempted to ride a donkey, but our fellow Pilgrims persuaded her to sample the local wine instead!  Those who know Christine have heard the tale where, at the age of 17, she got lost on a pony trek and her poor Grandmother had everyone saying the Rosary for her safe return. The weather was superb and the photos that were taken of the scenery are amazing. A relaxing and restful afternoon.

Monday Evening - One of the highlights of the week was when the Liverpool Diocese led the Evening Torchlight Procession into the main square of the Domain.  It did not go exactly to plan, and some may suspect saboteurs were to blame...  We cannot hold a grudge, but we cannot forget either.  Think of the scene from Dad's Army where different groups in a parade try to get to the front ...  Of course, by the time we hit the bars, the story had been embroidered a little.  Use your imagination if you can. 

Tuesday Morning - Most of us joined the Lower Stations of the Cross. The Youth were present at each station reading the prayers after the pilgrims started with 


“We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.”


The youth continued with a short description of what each station depicted, followed by how our behaviour to our God and to others can be so thoughtless and wrong. A further commentary followed ending each station with Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. We left the Stations with lots to think about and reflect on at our leisure.


Tuesday Afternoon -Mass at St Pius X Underground Basilica



Tuesday Evening - Gina organised a quiz for us and 4 guests, huge success. Plenty of laughs and really tacky prizes for the winners.


Wednesday Morning - International Mass at St Pius X Underground Basilica


Wednesday Afternoon - Blessing of the Parish Candle, Gina was sent out once more to find a priest, she came back with Fr. Nigel from Westminster Dioceses who kindly offered to bless our Candle. This was reverently done in a quiet corner of the Hotel reception area and was a beautiful moment. After lunch we all went down to the area in the Domain set aside for lighting candles.   

The parish candle was lit together with the personal candles of our pilgrims. The names of those people of our Parish who are on the sick list was read out together with the list of Petitions that we had brought with us.

Later, all the names, from the whole Diocese, were put into a special lantern and delivered to Our Lady at the Grotto.


After that moving time some of us crossed the river back towards the grotto and took part in “The Water Gesture”, this replaces the immersion in the baths.

Wednesday Evening - we did our own thing, and then met up in the hotel bar...again!


Thursday Morning - Mass of Thanksgiving at St Pius X Underground Basilica, this was a joyful affair, plenty of singing and clapping, the youth making sure that the needs of the sick and infirm were looked after. The Choir was also in good voice.


In addition to all the above Services, including the International and Farewell Masses our Parish Pilgrims attended the Eucharistic Procession, visited the Baths and Stations of the Cross.  Wherever possible the St Peter's banner was held high with pride.

On a more serious note, one of our Pilgrims (George Lowrey) developed a worrying eye condition whilst in Lourdes. George contacted Patrick our Joe Walsh Rep regarding the location of an optician. Patrick took George to the optician, also acting as translator. From there they visited Lourdes Hospital who advised them to go to Tarbes Hospital. They said that the eye condition was serious, and they could operate immediately, however George would have to stay in Lourdes for a month after the op, but he was fit to fly home if he wanted. George had kept his family in touch with what had been going on and they had arranged via Warrington Hospital, emergency treatment at Liverpool Eye Hospital providing he got there quickly. We were due to fly back to the UK the following day (Friday), but on the evening flight. Up stepped Patrick once more and he was able to get George on an earlier flight (Friday) arriving in the UK Friday afternoon. George had his op that weekend. I am pleased to report the op was successful and George is on the mend. I have got to say that we owe a lot to the care and support of Patrick who organised taxis in Lourdes, travelled with George, acted as interpreter and got George on an earlier flight back home. 


Well Done Patrick,  we will not forget what you did.


One member of the Youth Group, Caitlyn, who received a financial contribution from Ss Peter and Michaels’ Lourdes Fund, was able to join us for her trip.


Caitlyn has some serious health issues but did manage to travel to Lourdes, on Coach 6, with her friends.  However, by mid-week her condition had worsened and it became apparent that she wouldn't be able to cope with the journey home by road.  


Joe Walsh Tours Reps stepped in and arranged for Caitlyn to be flown home at the earliest opportunity.   This did involve a quick stop-over, in Italy, but only added to the drama of the situation.  The Reps worked hard to help Caitlyn through the travel issues and she was able to arrive home a day earlier than expected.  Once home, she has responded well to treatment. 


Thankfully, Caitlyn has been able to enrol for her final year at a local sixth form college.


Again, well done to the Joe Walsh Reps for their timely action. They have stepped up this year and done a marvellous job for us all.


Finally, evenings were generally spent in the local cafes and the comfortable bar of the hotel.  We joined in with party games, held a quiz and generally put the "world to right" with our long discussions into the wee hours.  The Night Porter became a good friend to us all with his banter and very generous measures of drink.

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Friday arrived with the news that our flight was going to be delayed. The hotel provided a locked room for our luggage and also provided us with an unexpected and delicious evening meal.


All the staff came to wish us “Bon Voyage” 


If you fancy joining us next year, then please do take a look as the 2025 trip has been announced already on the Archdiocese Facebook page shown alongside. 


You will not be disappointed.


Please feel free to speak with any of our pilgrims and ask about the experience, the organisation and the joy which we experienced during our trip to Lourdes. We will be back.

Pilgrims Progress out!

While they were there in 2024

Our 8 pilgrims were kind enough to take our special intentions and prayers for the sick to Lourdes and chose a candle for our parish. Our intentions were read out during the candle lighting and a short video has been produced to remember the occasion and that can be seen below.


Our thanks to them all for sharing their trip with us.

Please keep our parish pilgrims in your thoughts and prayers. They carried our prayers and petitions and placed them before the grotto and we received a couple of photos (above) from Christine Wilkinson which show that they kept up their end of the bargain. The photos show us the St Peter and St Michael candle on the left and that very candle being lit in front of a happy set of our very own pilgrims.


They are now back home after a very rewarding and fulfilling pilgrimage.


Lourdes 2023

Lourdes Youth Pilgrimage 2024 

(July 18th - 27th 2024)

Applications to join next year's "yellow t-shirts" are now open. Places are limited so please apply soon! The cost has unfortunately risen dramatically and this is proving a stumbling block for many of our young people but we have already started our fundraising and will continue working to support anyone who needs it. The cost is £700 with fundraising and support available.  Please consider being part of this life-changing experience and go to www.liverpoollourdesyouth.co.uk to apply. Young people from Warrington and Widnes parishes, aged between 15 (Yr 10) and 22 at the time of travel, are invited to travel with Coach 6. Deposit is £100, paid at the time of application.


Email Dan Antonio, Coach Leader, for more information - lourdescoach6@gmail.com, and follow the coach on Facebook, X (the app formerly known as Twitter) - @lourdescoach6, and Instagram - coach6lourdes.

St. Peter and St. Michael Pilgrimage 2023

The story of our visit is still in process, however we thought you might like visibility of the photographs from our trip.



Update 25th February 2023

Lourdes Pilgrimage 2023

St Peter and Michael’s Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from July 21st to July 28th 2023 and is affiliated to the Liverpool Archdiocesan Pilgrimage. A list of the major events have been received from Liverpool and  sent to those participating.  The list of events can be seen below, so take a look and, if you wish to join us and the other 12 pilgrims travelling who represent our parish, it’s not too late, just add your name to the list at the back of church.

Update 30 January 2023


This year is the 100th anniversary of the Liverpool Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes.


The dates for this years trip have been finalised for 21st to 28th July. Flights will be from Liverpool Airport to Lourdes Airport.


Costs will be between £829 to £979 depending upon which hotel you select and these are either  hotel selected 3* or  4*.


Price does NOT include Medical Insurance or travel to and from Liverpool Airport.


Some concerns have been raised at this years' costs from the 23rd October 2022 Newsletter as compared to previous Lourdes Pilgrimages from St. Peter and St Michael. The main reason for the increased costs is that previous Pilgrimages were for 5 days (4 nights), whereas this Pilgrimage is for 8 days (7 nights). The Pilgrimage organisers do not appear to be running shorter pilgrimages, for how long, who knows?

The PDF below contains ALL of the information we currently have with regard to the trip.

If you are interested in this years pilgrimage, could you please confirm your name is on the list, or register your interest by attaching your Name, Number of people and Phone number to the list in the church porch as soon as possible, and in any case by the latest date of 12th February 2023.


Once we have your information, we will then be able to let the Pilgrimage Organisers know. Gerry Allison is acting as our point of contact for the parish and his details are on Page 1 of the PDF above if you would like to discuss this further before making your mind up.

Update 30th September 2022


Alongside our own parish, where we are trying to ascertain interest in a trip to Lourdes in 2023 (register in the porch at church), Chris Sykes, a parishioner from St. Benedict's, is organising a pilgrimage to Lourdes and Nevers between the 1st and the 8th of June 2023. Chris tells us that the cost of the trip is £645 on a half board basis. The trip is via bus, includes all transport, overnight stay in Paris, 5 nights in Lourdes full pilgrimage programme and 2 excursions. From Lourdes there is a one night stay in Nevers,   where Mass will be celebrated in the chapel at St. Gildard Convent, where the incorrupt body of St. Bernadette lies at the side of the altar in a glass case. The only additions would be a single room supplement of £170 and your travel insurance unless you have your own. This would cost £50 with no age limit or medical screening required.


Passports should be valid until at least December 2023. If you are interested in doing the St. Benedict's tour, then please contact Chris on 07587046985.

2023 marks the 100th anniversary of the Liverpool Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. It would be lovely if we could take a group from our parish. To date we don’t have a price but this is only a preliminary notice to see what interest we have. It is possible for friends and family not from our parish to join our group if you know of others interested. It would also be good if we could get at least six of our youth to travel with the Archdiocesan Youth Pilgrimage. They will help with our sick pilgrims and have a wonderful experience. Please sign up at the back of church if interested.

Lourdes 2022

The Lourdes Pilgrimage has restarted this year and we are fortunate enough to have our people there at what appears to be a more concerning time. We hope and pray that there will be no adverse situations caused by C-19 or anything else.


The schedule for our pilgrimage has been uploaded to the Archdiocese website and the information can be found at the following link for people at home to follow:




26 July Update

It was announced in Lourdes today that Fr Des Seddon has been made a Chaplain to His Holiness and is now titled 'Monsignor'. This is wonderful news and very well deserved. Congratulations Monsignor Des.

We have taken the liberty of copying a few of the Warrington and Widnes Coach photos from their twitter feed as they go through their schedule and also included their twitter feed below so anyone wishing to follow the trip can do so. There are a few of ex-St. Peter's School pupils on this coach. See if you can recognise anyone.