The Archdiocese of Liverpool

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Click the image to visit the Archdiocese website

Please click on the image above to get to the 'Latest News' page on the Liverpool Archdiocese website.




The SYNOD process, which included our own input, has resulted in the preparation and presentation of the Pastoral Plan. Check out our Pastoral Plan page. It includes links to the plan, to read or to download the plan for reading later. There is a lot of new information on this page and links to some MUST READ documentation for all parishioners.

Pastoral Development Bulletin


Every two weeks, the Archdiocese communications team sends out a Pastoral Development Bulletin with information and links to events within the Archdiocese and beyond.


Please find the link to the current version of the Bulletin on our PD Bulletin Page here.


Archdiocese Synodal Council

The Archdiocese council meets one per annum. The report on the discussions are held on our ASC page here.


Online Masses


Masses continue to be available online and the links are shown below:

- Every Sunday at 11am from the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral 


Every Saturday at 5pm from St Mary of the Isle


Daily at 10am from SS Anne and Bernard 

Volunteers Needed for Education Service at the Cathedral
Volunteer Your Teaching Talent 
Are you a retired or part time qualified teacher? You could be part of the Cathedral’s Education Service team! Come and help hundreds of schoolchildren and young people to learn about this wonderful Cathedral. ‘It’s a joy to watch children be amazed by the sheer beauty of John Piper’s lantern of light and colour and be able to bring the Cathedral to life for the generations of the future’. Contact us at 

Racial Justice:  A Message from Archbishop Malcolm

This week, as we celebrate World Mission Sunday, Archbishop Malcolm invites us to reflect on diversity of the Universal Church and in our parishes and communities.  In his video message on racial justice, the Archbishop echoes the Pope’s message, “Go and invite everyone to the banquet!”, and shares some practical ways you can do this at a local level. Please watch his video below:

To unite with the day of fasting and  prayer for peace in the Holy Land called for by the Holy Father and the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, the archbishop has decided to pray the Holy Rosary at 4.30pm in the Blessed Sacrament chapel and then celebrate the usual 5.00pm Mass at the Cathedral this coming Monday 7 October .


All are welcome to join him in this prayer.


The Archbishop apologizes for the late notification of this for this weekend.


Missionaries of Africa - Message from Fr Hugh Seenan MAfr


"I write firstly to thank you, and all your priests for the wonderful welcome given to me and our team as we travelled through the Archdiocese. Your priests and deacons are quite extraordinary in their work and kind and generous in their welcome. 61 parish priests responded positively to our request for an appeal date. The appeals covered 103 parishes. £37,009.70 was raised through the collections.

To your people in all pastoral areas, thanks simply is not adequate. The scale of generosity in this difficult time is quite humbling. We are all working for the Mission of the Gospel. To be welcomed and treated in such a way as your parish communities did makes our mission that much easier.
Yours faithfully,
Fr Hugh Seenan MAfr,
Missionaries of Africa"

Scam emails about Ukraine

We have been alerted to an email entitled ‘FINANCIAL REQUEST FOR THE EMERGENCY MASS STIPENDS FOR PRIEST FOR THE EXARCHATE OF DONETSK UKRAINE’ being sent to people in our archdiocese. We have checked this with Bishop Gregory in Ukraine and he confirmed that this correspondence is a scam email so please do not respond to the email or send any funds.


Please do be vigilant if you receive any emails on this subject matter.


If you would like to make any donations to Ukraine, please do so via our #Liverpool4Ukraine appeal as this is a safe and secure way to get your funds directly to the people of Ukraine.

New Bishop for the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle


This week,  His Holiness Pope Francis appointed Rt Rev. Stephen Wright as the Fifteenth Bishop of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.

More information can be found here: Appointment of a new Bishop for the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle - Catholic Bishops' Conference (